Friday, August 15, 2008

Why, Thank You...I Will Take That Bow

Hello Readers! And a big sticky, sweet "hello" to all you new readers.

I am so excited to share that I have reached a personal milestone of 200 "unique" readers. And by "unique" I don't mean readers who are quirky and odd looking...I mean individual readers. 200! In my little bloggy world, that is a whole heck-of-a lot! So, I thank all 200 of you for reading.

Anyway, on to tonight's blog:

As I previously blogged, I attended an American Cancer Society fundraiser last night. It was a blast...Raised money for cancer research, got free drinks, and hooted at men who would no sooner be interested in me than I would in eating a cockroach... Speaking of bugs, my office has an infestation...It's nasty. We were privileged today to learn the nature of the infestation, if not the source. These little tiny bugs, that I am convinced have been slowly eating my left arm (I am right handed, you know, and I think they viewed the left arm as a bit of a weak link), are called Phorid flies. Not familiar with the Phorid fly? Well, according to Wikipedia, this is the joy that is the Phorid Fly (have you eaten recently? Yes? Then don't read...):

"Phorid flies are found worldwide, though the greatest variety of species is to be found in the tropics. They are frequently found around flowers and moist decaying matter, although they can be found throughout the house. Several species have the common name of the coffin fly, because they breed in human corpses with such tenacity that they can even continue their life cycle within buried coffins. For this reason they are important in forensic entomology. More generally, the larvae breed in a numerous variety of locations, such as dung, fungi, decaying plant matter or drain pipes. Most commonly they feed on decaying organic matter. Because they frequent unsanitary places they may transport various disease-causing organisms to food material."

Oh, but the tasty goodness just keeps on coming...

"Phorid flies also represent a new and hopeful means by which to control fire ant populations in the southern United States, where fire ants were accidentally introduced in the 1930s. The genus Pseudacteon, or ant-decapitating fly, of which 110 species have been documented, is a parasitoid of the ant in South America. Members of Pseudacteon reproduce by laying eggs in the thorax of the ant. The first instar larvae migrates to the head. The larvae develop by feeding on the hemolymph, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue in the head. After about two weeks, they cause the ant's head to fall off by releasing an enzyme that dissolves the membrane attaching the ant's head to its body. The fly pupates in the detached head capsule, requiring a further two weeks before emerging. The phorid flies have been widely introduced throughout the U. S. Southeast, starting with Travis, Brazos, and Dallas counties in Texas, as well as Mobile, Alabama, where the ants first entered North America."

Oh, so they are a good thing, then? Err, well...okay...I guess.

Wait, what was I originally planning to blog about? Oh yeah! The Gay Bachelor Auction...How easily I get sidetracked! So, anyway...I had a great time at the event last night, except for one little thing...I am not a big fan of people entering in to my personal space. I do NOT enjoy unsolicited touching. And that applies to all people of all sexual orientations. Now, I know it's not fair for me to assume that people would know this, as I do not wear a tee-shirt that says "DO NOT TOUCH ME. I WILL KILL YOU." Although, if you know where I can get one, please e-mail me...I would be very interested in purchasing said shirt. I do have a similar shirt that says "I DON'T LIKE YOU" on the front, and "STOP CRYING" on the back. I think it sends the same message. However, I was not wearing that shirt last night, and as a result was repeatedly groped by the same (allegedly) gay man, all night. Finally, I bent his thumb back until he whimpered like a sick puppy. Then he stopped touching me.

As you might imagine, most people pick up on my invisible wall. I stand with my arms crossed, and often scowl. (I do have a very short list of people that are approved for touching). I am still a person, though. I don't HATE other people...I just choose not to get too close to them, physically or emotionally. However, I still want to be the right person...and still want to connect with other people (of my choosing, because I am a snot). Sometimes the other people are too busy doing other shit to pick up on the subtleties of my "please touch me" vibe. Apparently, I need to get yet another statement tee that says, "TOUCH ME NOW, GOD DAMMIT, BEFORE I KICK YOUR ASS". Although I am unsure if that really sends the right message. What can you do?

So, in honor of ALL my fabulous readers, a video. I love this song, and they played it last night at the ACS Event. It's a bit ironic, since the name of the song is "Untouched"...But take a listen...It's a Damn Good Song. Plus, it has a "unique" dark haired guy in it (and by unique, I DO mean quirky and odd looking)...And I am a fan of "unique" dark haired guys, after all. Maybe I can even get one to touch me. Maybe.

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