Saturday, September 6, 2008

It's Official...

There are many crazy things about my blogging habits. Some nights, when I am feeling especially inspired, I will write multiple blogs. Sometimes, I will publish all of them, and other times I will save them for later...For nights like this one, where I don't have any creative juices flowing. I mostly just want to drink and be sorta numb. However, rabid monkey blog fans like YOU insist upon new material on the regular. Hence the need for the "older" blogs. This one is an "older"-new blog. You have never seen it before, so shoosh! Oh, and I always find it "fun" to see what point I was at in my life when I wrote these "older" blogs...What has changed, what has stayed the same...


Yup. It's official. I am a lost cause. You might say that I am surrounded by a "bozone". Not familiar with the bozone? Well! Let me enlighten you!

The Bozone (n)
The substance surrounding stupid people, that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The Bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

Yup, yup. That's me. No, I is not a stupid people. Sometimes, however, I struggle to absorb mildly complex concepts. Take today for example...I had to write "reviews". I was informed that they had to fall within certain parameters. I didn't understand the forms. They could not penetrate my "bozone". I did have a great deal of fun laughing about them, but never quite got around to writing them. I am not only a bozo but a putter-offer-procrastinator.

It's okay, for today.

Today was a very, very, very good day. My Mom arrived from out-of-town, and I wasn't certain that she would make it, considering Tropical Storm Fay just couldn't take a hint & get the heck outta dodge! Plus, I got a great blog suggestion from my California Sister (and yes, being from California makes you infinitely cooler than me). And, I delivered a pretty decent speech on the merits of the Parents' Association to an entire student body (and their parents, otherwise it would have been pointless)...Also, a big thanks to my BFF for adding to the mindless glee-melee. I really like how with your help, I am able to rise above the bozone, and just make fun of the people around me. It's good times. And although I have little to no interest in swimming in a retention pond or toilet papering your place of business, I am eager to pursue other hazing avenues. Let's chat.

Until then, I will be floating about, oblivious, in the bozone. I like it here. it's warm...and they have beer in the bozone. And my dear reader, you should join me, sometimes playing stupid is a whole hell of a lot easier than having to plunge your own toilet or change your own tire, if you know what I mean...

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