Ah, Kaya. You are SO the coolest American Girl. Well, you are so the Native American girl, which I guess makes you the most authentic of the American Girls, at the very least.
Amelia chose Kaya above all the American Girls, and can I tell you, I was quite proud of my little munchkin...Appreciating and celebrating all cultures! If you aren't familiar with American Girl, it is just about the best (and easily most expensive) doll program out there. The franchise is so gigantic, it's been on Oprah, and even my Dad knows all about it (that should tell you something right there, on birthdays and holidays the man still sends me $40 gift card to stores that aren't even in my tri-county area). I have even schlepped my daughter all across NYC on a weekend long American Girl themed birthday extravaganza...Once bitten, twice shy.
Anyway, Amelia slept with an American Girl catalogue for weeks before Kaya arrived. She was so set on that doll, that even my very best attempts to make her want Kit Kittridge fell on deaf ears. Before you send tribal warriors my way, it wasn't because I was opposed to Kaya, it was simply because I liked that Kit and Amelia looked alike. Yah. I am one of those Moms now. You know, the kinda Mom that allows her child to have one of those creepy-ass dolls that is like a mini-doppelganger. Shoot. When did that happen, and how do I make it stop! Well, at least I don't let her wear smocking, or embroider her initials on her underpants. Nothing but Juicy Couture, Burberry and Kors/Michael Kors for my Diva-in-training...Recognize!
So, I was super stoked that Amelia was so into her Native American Girl. I took every opportunity to talk to her about Native American people, their heritage, buffalo, etc...We bought her all the Kaya books and didn't stop there...Even still, Amelia is campaigning for all of Kaya's accessories. I mean ALL of them. She already has the tee-pee, the tall horse, the dog with the sled, the cold-weather clothing, the Native American food-stuffs...Today she has decided that she needs the slightly smaller horse and the chickens. The chickens. I have scoured the American Girl website and the catalogue, and I see nothing about chickens or how to purchase them. I have also spent the past two hours cutting out Kaya's paper doll likeness and all of her assorted bits and pieces...There have been no chickens to note. Any suggestions as to where I can get some mini chickens to complete Amelia's vision of true Native American living? Oh, just so we are clear, that vision also includes a cheerleaders uniform, a Hawaiian lei, swimsuit and ukulele, a small scooter, several pairs of shoes and a pink American Girl bed...You know, I wouldn't want you to get confused...Kaya is a MODERN Native American girl. In retrospect, I am thinking that Kaya and Amelia are more alike than I may have initially thought. It is quite possible that Kit Kittridge might just be too old-fashioned, I mean, she wears penny-loafers for goodness sake, and Amelia did not see any of those in the Fall Burberry catalogue.
Oh, American Girl dolls. I remember all of my friends had two or three of them, but I was only allowed one. Kirsten. Or Kristen. Or something like that. I had all of the books of all of the girls, but only one doll. At the time I resented it, but I guess it was a valuable lesson :)
American Dolls! I remember having those and squealing in delight everytime a new catalog came out! It was my Vogue before I knew what Vogue was. And wore Stirrup pants . . . my mother made me.
I always wanted Molly . . . she was so Geeky and WW2, which I loved . . . [sigh].
Anyway, this blog is hilarious! (Really loved the Cheeto Paw story.) I wish I could give you a "clever" blog but mine's not there yet. It's more an advice blog for college and college bound kids. I hope for it to be within the few weeks.
Definitely coming back!
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